Why I love my Thermomix®

February 18, 2022

I like my time – I like my money – I like knowing what I am eating.

Why I love my Thermomix and Why I Purchased? People say that the cost of a Thermomix is SO EXPENSIVE.

Those that own one know that it’s an investment. However, it’s what the machine can do for YOU :

  • Saves Money
  • Saves Time
  • Save Waste
  • No longer hidden sugar or salt
  • No additives or preservatives and things you can’t pronounce.
  • Helps you become the chef you know you can be.
  • Teaches children to cook

Imagine setting up your meal and WALKING AWAY – That’s right. A Thermomix is like like your conventional stove top where you have to stand and watch everything.

We have all heard the expression – set it and forget it. Well with this is it.

Set the wheels in motion and your away. Imagine being able to

  • Bath the kids
  • Help with homework
  • Fold the laundry
  • Have a chat with the kids
  • Chat with your partner

When the Thermomix chimes, your dinner is basically ready.

Not all recipes on a Thermomix are that easy. Yes you can make gourmet meals with it and we all love to explore those, but for the time conscious, it is perfect.

Don’t forget, you can make a meal – move it to a ThermoServer (you can get these from having a Cooking Experience – demo) and walk out the door. 2 hours later your meal is still hot ready to eat!

A quick risotto, soup, pasta, chicken & veggies – all done in 30 minutes.

This has been our week so far – each meal has taken less than 30 minutes – except of course the yoghurt. Took 5 minutes to setup and 10 hours overnight to ferment. Weekly yoghurt done !

Week Ending: 18-02-2022


We personally have a busy life style. Not socially but business wise.

We both work from home. Chris for a company and Sue for herself. Time runs away from us. Next thing we know its 7/7:30pm and no dinner has been started.

A quick risotto, soup, pasta, chicken & veggies – all done in 30 minutes.

Why is this a money saver? In the past it would have been a quick takeaway meal.

Chinese Takeaway

Fried Rice | Chicken & Veggies – $40

Thermomix Fakeaway

Rice | Chicken & Veggies – $10

What we didn’t get with our Thermomix food is hidden salt/MSG/?? – who isn’t thirsty as all get out after Chinese takeaway

This happens most week nights for us – forgetting the time.

This has been our week so far – each meal has taken less than 30 minutes – except of course the yoghurt. Took 5 minutes to setup and 10 hours overnight to ferment. Weekly yoghurt done !

Week Ending: 11-02-2022



Making Stock

In the past on “Grocery Day” you clean out the soggy vegetables at the bottom of your fridge. Image being able to use that by creating incredible stock paste/liquid. All that is in the stock is vegetables and salt. So good for you and no waste.

Sugar - Purchase only one type of sugar

Purchasing only one sugar is now a dream. We buy Raw Sugar and make all the different types that we need

  • Caster Sugar
    • 250g Store bought $0.70. Thermie $0.45
  • Icing Sugar
    • 250gms store bought $1.10. Thermie $0.45
  • Brown Sugar
    • 250g store bought $1.30. Thermie $0.60

*Prices indicative at time of creation – Jan 2022

Flour - make your own - know exactly what is in it

MAKE YOUR OWN – Healthy & Convenient

  • Rice
  • Almond
  • Spelt
  • Wheat
  • Self raising
  • Gluten Free Baking Powder

Within minutes you make all the types of flour that you need. No trips to the supermarket.

Yoghurt - wow the savings

Making your own yoghurt in a thermomix is probably one of the easiest things to do – only difference – it takes time! We set our for last thing at night so it ferments all night. It turns off and it’s ready for us to put in the fridge in the morning. Less Fat, WAY LESS SUGAR, less Nasties!

  • Greek Yoghurt
    • 1kg Store bought $6.80. Thermie $2.60 – yes I included power consumption
  • Vanilla Yoghurt
    • 1kg Store bought $5.50. Thermie $2.60 – yes I included power consumption
  • Fruit Yoghurt
    • 160g store bought $2.85. Thermie $0.60 – $1.00 depending on the fruit.

*Prices indicative at time of creation – Jan 2022

This is one way we make ours. Small jars for quick grab. We also make yoghurt in a varoma with a thermoserver – that way we can change it up if we want. Add fruit, granola (thermi made of course) and breakfast grabs as we call them. Yoghurt mixed with seeds and oats.

Milk - Almond, Soy, Oat, Cashew, Rice - make the lot

Having a daughter that cannot tolerate cows milk, she has Almond Milk. Store bought is great and convenient but oh does it have additives! All the milks below are just nut/oats/rice and water ONLY

  • Almond Milk
    • 1 litre Store bought $3.00. Thermie $0.96 – we buy our Nuts from Aldi – the cheapest and best around.Store bought ingredients
  • Oat Milk
    • 1 litre Store bought $3.50. Thermie $1.00Store bought ingredients
  • Cashew Milk
    • 1 litre Store bought $3.00. Thermie $1.00Store bought ingredients
  • Rice Milk
    • 1 litre Store bought $3.00. Thermie $0.14Store bought ingredients


You will see with all the ingredients there is not just the product and water. They have salt, oils,  acidity regulators (?) emulsifiers & sabilisers.
Really ? All we want is the natural product!! And Thermomix® offers you that!

If you want sweeter milk – throw in a couple of medjool dates (pip removed) – yummy!

Oh … don’t do what we did when we first made the milks. They made me feel a bit sick. What I realised is my body was used to WATERED DOWN MILKS – and these home made ones are NOT watered down. I now create the receipe and then add another 500mls – 1 litre of water, depending on the taste. Yes, it makes that much. Amazing isn’t it.

*Prices indicative at time of creation – Jan 2022

Grated Cheese - OHHHHH The additives in Grated Cheese

Whilst this is not always a super saving , what you do get is CHEESE. Just cheese. Real Cheese. No Anticaking agents or preservatives.

  • Tasty Cheese
    • 250g Store bought $6.25. Thermie $4.00
  • Parmesan Cheese
    • 250 Store bought $7.00. Thermie $6.50

*Prices indicative at time of creation – Jan 2022

Boiled Rice - Super light and fluffy

We cook a lot of rice. Have I ever perfected it – NEVER! Either under cooked or gluggy.

With a Thermomix you have perfect boiled rice in 15-30 minutes. Dependant on what  rice you are cooking.

Ours is Basmati or Jasmine – standard white rice – 17 mins! Done 👍🏼

Cookidoo Recipe


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