January – What’s Growing
This is a super-productive time in the garden! All the careful planning and planting has now been passed into the careful hands of Mother Nature and all our hard work has started to reap rewards.
After two days of constant rain, it’s all starting to look a little overgrown and there are some ventilation issues with some of the tomatoes shown by the yellowing of some of the leaves. A bit of judicious pruning will sort that out in no time, and we are looking forward to a pretty good tomato crop this season. Nothing better than lovely fresh tomato salads, passata and tomato puree! Zucchini is flourishing and promises to produce a great crop!
The cosmos has gone nuts so unfortunately some of that will have to come as it threatens to overrun the place and the pineapple sage is also in need of some cutting back! Marigolds and nasturtiums are also in there to help attract pollinators as well as ward off some of the unwanted visitors like cabbage white butterflies etc.
We’ve also got capsicum, basil, sage, rosemary, and parsley on the go as well as tarragon and masses of oregano. Thyme, lemon thyme and mint are thriving, and we’ve also planted borage for the first time. Strawberries and spring onions in raised planters, four varieties of potatoes in grow bags and of course chives and chilies are also in and looking very good!

This year, we’ve experimented with different varieties of basil in the Vegepod® and we’re certainly looking forward to seeing how that turns out.
The very unpredictable weather down here in Melbourne certainly keeps us on our toes but, it should still be a very productive summer season!