My Sweet Treat
JELL-YO Cups. Zero Points – Makes 2 large desserts
After dinner I often feel like something sweet and this is my perfect go to. Jelly and yoghurt. Totally tasty and refreshing.
Jell-Yo Cups
ZERO POINTS unless you add the cream
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- 200g Chobani yoghurt
- 2 Sachets Sugar Free Lite Jelly of your choice
- Mix 1 sachet with 1 cup boiling water and melt jelly crystals
- Pour half the mixture into a glass and add half cup water (125ml) leave to set in fridge
- The second half of the jelly liquid, mix fully with 200g Chobani yoghurt. Add to second glass and place in fridge.
- When two glasses have set, repeat the same process with other jelly topping up the glasses.
- Place the jelly yoghurt mixture into plain jelly and plain mixture into jelly yoghurt.