WW Closing Workshops

September 20, 2024

WW Support Workshops

First off, this is just my personal rant and opinion. Normally I just share recipes or what is happening with us, but today I need to RANT!

I’m still in shock over Weight Watchers’ decision to shut down their workshops on November 2nd, 2024. These meetings have become something I rely on, not only for accountability but also for the friendships I’ve made.

I’ve been on and off WW for years, never really achieving long-term success when I was only accountable to myself. The workshops, however, provided a space to celebrate both wins and setbacks, ask for help when struggling, and offer support to others. I know so many people feel the same way. So why is WW AU/NZ following the example of the USA? They have no choice but to follow their USA Head office. They say it’s about money—but does everything really have to come down to money? I know, it’s a silly question.

When I visited the WW USA site today, I saw their new GLP-1 Program. Medical weight loss. Yes, you read that right. They’re now promoting Ozempic or a similar drug. And apparently, you don’t even have to count points anymore. I just can’t wrap my head around it.

My brother, who is diabetic, is on Ozempic. He’s struggled to get his medication because so many people are using it for weight loss. And seeing what he’s gone through? No, thank you. Nausea, diarrhoea, constipation, stomach pain—just to name a few side effects. At one point, he thought he was having a heart attack. The only reason he continues is because, as a diabetic, he has no choice. When he asked his doctor about alternatives, he was told this was the best option for his condition.

I still vividly remember my first real meeting at WW Essendon. It was on a Saturday morning and it was packed to the rafters (good name for a TV show). There were people everywhere and I really enjoyed the conversations, the people and how everyone just looked out for each other. It was like friends catching up for coffee.

From there I went on the join the Wednesday morning group with Carol and everyone there is just amazing. I love our group and don’t want it to end.

I am seriously considering doing a workshop from home. I need the support and others do too. Get some Ambassadors to ZOOM in and away we go.

What do you all think ?

This poll is just for my peace of mind, to see if I’m not the only one feeling this way. I’m so disappointed in WW that I’m determined to figure something out. I’m not sure what yet, but it’s definitely on my mind.


  1. Vivian Lombardi

    WW have gone the complete opposite to what they stood for… I ve been saying since COVID WW are not the same as they used to be.

    • Sue Onslow

      I completely agree with you. I’ve been involved with WW for the past 10 years, and the changes I’ve seen are just wild. They used to be all about the people, but now it seems like it’s all about endorsements and money. I watch Mad Men, and one of the main characters is doing Weight Watchers—it shows what WW used to be, and it’s really sad to see how far it’s shifted. Honestly, I think we should just start our own group – as my friend and I call it – “Fat Club”! 🤣

      • Evelyn Arias

        I agree, Not to many people agree to use meds to loose weight. The number one reason of people joining WW is because there was no gimmick, they will teach you what to eat, to exercise, recipes to enjoy with your family, everyone including your family will benefit from the WW program. To take medicine is not the healthiest way out, people can go to the doctor and get a prescription and supposedly the problem will be solved. But they don’t mention the side effects and complications. WW start it at home with some woman from same neighborhood and later became Weight Watchers. Can be done again like TOPS are doing right now.

        • Sue Onslow

          100% with you Evelyn. The whole idea was a lifestyle change – not a “just for now” medication. It’s about learning how to live in the now and future, and how to continue with successes.

          I do know the side effects from my brother who has type 2 diabetes. They are shocking!

          Question? What is TOPS ?

    • Ori

      I’m shocked by this news. I was a long time WW member then a WW leader. WW shut down my meeting after the pandemic however my group didn’t want it to end so now we still meet weekly via zoom and everyone in our group has since canceled their WW membership. So, don’t let it end. The support among the group is vital to deal with our lifelong struggle

      • Sue Onslow

        I too was in total shock when I heard the news. I have only found the workshops this years and most certainly don’t want it to end. Together we must come up with an idea!

    • Ms Janine E Clark

      I don’t mind saying I’m ANGRY 😡 the email I received from WW is nothing short of condescending. I’m angry WW see fit to treat us this way, I’m angry that the coaches have been hung out to dry, I’m angry that so many will probably just give up, and I’m angry that WW make the erroneous assumption that virtual classes will do the same job. It all fully SUCKS. there. I’ve said it.

  2. Tina Campbell

    It is very SAD that WW is NO LONGER what is use to be. The meetings is what HELPED me keep on track and I lost my weight. But since then with NO MEETINGS I have regained that weight. Why can’t we have the zoom meetings, and I would be HAPPY to PAY.

    • Sue Onslow

      I completely agree with you. I got serious about Weight Watchers in January this year when I realized my son, who’s 6’4″, weighed less than me—it was a real wake-up call. At first, the weight was coming off slowly, but once I started attending workshops, the progress really picked up. I believe the support and accountability from the group made all the difference. I tried virtual meetings, but they just didn’t work for me. Now, I’m working on finding an approach that will fit a variety of people. I could sit back and just “cop it sweet” but that’s not me. Not when something was working so well.

      • Tammy

        I don’t want a online meeting. I want a real meeting.

        • Sue Onslow

          Me too Tammy, that’s why I want to try and do something!

  3. jmc19594c8288426e

    Not just the meetings. Not being about to track your points on the website. I really struggle using the app on my phone.
    I to have been to WW on and off for years. I don’t think l will renew my membership for this reason even though l love the
    Your right taking Ozempic which is expense for the rest of your life isn’t the answer.

    • Sue Onslow

      I totally get what you mean. I used to love logging in online for my tracking and planning too. Sure, I can use my phone now, but the computer made it so much easier. And yeah, Ozempic is definitely not the solution.

      • Rachel

        I can’t believe that. The workshops helped me too. I think we need to start our own ones . Is anyone around Hyperdome in Brisbane. Let me know.

        • Sue Onslow

          Rachel, I completely agree with you. I truly believe we need to come together with our fellow WW members and make something happen. I’m currently putting together a list of everyone’s locations, and I hope we can all collaborate to work something out.

  4. Yvonne Webber

    This is sad news and it’s all about profits but I cannot believe they’re going down the Ozempic way! That’s totally ridiculous and definitely not what Weight Watchers was all about. I definitely will not be renewing my online membership at the end of the year.

    I used to be a Weight Watchers leader years ago and the meetings were full and buzzing. It was a joy to be their leader and support them through their challenges and celebrate their successes. I know from experience that people who attend meetings lose far more than those who don’t or those who only attend sporadically. Obviously Weight Watchers don’t care whether members lose weight or not – they just want profits!

    I for one, would love to be part of a group who meet weekly. After all, that’s how it all started in Jean Nidetch’s home in New York. It worked so well that a big company bought the rights to it and so Weight Watchers started. In Perth, many years ago (before I started with Weight Watchers) i was a member of Easy Slim and we had weekly meetings followed by some exercises. It was great and worked so well that Weight Watchers bought them out. They were much cheaper than Weight Watchers too. I’m also a member of The Healthy Mummy which is very good, lots of great recipes and exercises in their App and you get a weekly menu plan which you can change if you like. They are way cheaper than Weight Watchers and you can get a lifetime membership. However, it’s also online and just like others, I’m not so successful on my own.

    So, finally I would LOVE to meet up with others trying to lose some weight and lead a healthy lifestyle. Anyone in Perth??

    • Sue Onslow

      Yvonne, this is music to my ears! I absolutely love everything you’re saying. Together, all of us can definitely create something amazing. It will take some planning, but I’m confident we’re onto something great. Just like it takes a village to raise a child, it takes the support of friends to lose weight—and I truly believe that!

  5. Nikki

    Thank you Sue for this information and for your action plan 🙂
    I couldn’t get to my local WW Workshop this weekend, but I am shocked that there has been no offical communication from WW to date.
    The lack of communication is so disrespectful!

    • Sue Onslow

      I couldn’t make it either because I came down with a terrible “plane cold” and didn’t want to risk spreading it. I’m honestly shocked to hear that those who attended weren’t informed—at least that’s what I’ve been hearing. Finding out about this through news articles and social media is just too much to wrap my head around!

  6. Sue Onslow

    Janine, I’m right there with you! I’m furious, but unfortunately, anger won’t solve anything nor change their minds. That’s why I’m about 80-90% sure I’m going to start my own “at home” group. I can’t do without the meetings—they’re the only thing keeping me accountable.

    Who am I kidding. I AM going to start my own “WW CLUB MEETINGS”


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