Thermomix Brush Cleaning

October 2, 2023

Let’s make sure that brush is clean and sterilised

These brushes are an essential tool that nearly all of us use in our Thermomix® to ensure our culinary creations come out perfectly. Yet, it’s easy to overlook their cleanliness, even though they play a crucial role in maintaining the hygiene of our kitchen equipment.

When it comes to cleaning these brushes, there are two effective methods to choose from.


By following either of these cleaning methods, you can be confident that the brushes you rely on in your Thermomix® are not only clean but also free from any lingering food particles or contaminants, ensuring the continued success of your culinary endeavors.

**1. Dishwasher Method:**

If you have a dishwasher, this is a convenient way to ensure your brushes are thoroughly cleaned:

  • Place the brushes on the top shelf of your dishwasher.
  • Run them through a regular dishwasher cycle along with your usual load of dishes.
  • The high-temperature water and detergent will effectively sanitize and clean the brushes, leaving them ready for your next culinary adventure.


**2. No Dishwasher Method:**

For those without a dishwasher, you can still achieve excellent results with a simple DIY cleaning solution:

  • In a container, mix half a cup of water with half a cup of vinegar.
  • Add a small drop of dish soap to the mixture to enhance cleaning power.
  • Submerge the brushes in this solution and ensure they are fully immersed.
  • Allow the brushes to soak for at least one hour. The vinegar will help break down residue and bacteria, while the dish soap aids in lifting away any stubborn particles.
  • After soaking, rinse the brushes thoroughly under warm running water to remove any remaining solution.
  • Shake off excess water, and your brushes will be clean, sanitized, and ready for their next use.



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