How to insert a butterfly whisk into a Thermomix is very easy - when you know how. This took me ages to learn and figure out, but once I did there was no turning back. This will stop the butterfly whisk coming off and causing potential damage to your whisk...
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Chop Chop – in our Thermomix
Thermomix CHOP Modes Eliminate the Guesswork and hardwork from Your Chopping Tasks Have you ever wondered how to achieve the perfect chop for chocolate, nuts, or precisely dice onions and carrots for your sauté? Are you someone who faces challenges in chopping various...
Beef Wellington
Oh yes!! I made Beef Wellington with cauliflower cheese, mashed potatoes and green beans with Yorkshire Pudding. To say I am gobsmacked that I actually made this but to say it WORKED is even better. Yes there are a lot of steps but it is oh so worth it. This reel...
Sterilising Thermomix Bowl
Sterilising the Thermomix Bowl to be free of allergens When you're an everyday cook using ingredients like flour and dairy in your Thermomix, it's common for your bowls to look clean and shiny after a standard wash. However, the situation becomes more complex when...
Thermomix Coconut Cream & Milk
Who never seems to have this in the cupboard Creating your own coconut cream and milk in a Thermomix is not only easy but also a cost-effective alternative to store-bought coconut products. Most of us have desiccated or shredded coconut in our pantry for various...
Create Sugar Variations in a Thermomix
Who else Always Runs out Creating various sugar variations in a Thermomix is a breeze with these straightforward instructions. Whether you require caster sugar, icing sugar, or brown sugar, your Thermomix can easily produce the sugar type you need. When I'm in the...
Thermomix Sautéed Onions
No More Tears - well almost ... Sauteed Onions - Chopped Thermomix 20 mls Olive Oil200-300 gms Brown Onions Chopped VersionCut the onion into four pieces to make it easier to handle.Place the onion pieces in the Thermomix bowl.5 seconds | Speed 5Sautéing the...
Profiteroles in a Thermomix
I love Profiteroles - my hips don't! However, I keep seeing them on "The Great Australian/British Bake Off" and I think maybe I can make them although they always say they are HARD. NOT AT ALL - I was shocked as to how easy they were and how tasty they were. I used...
Baby Food in a Thermomix
Did you know that purees for babies can be made in the Thermomix® and that Cookidoo is FULL of recipes to make. Our Granddaughter Ivy has just started solids and loving every moment of them. Elizabeth started with the basics, as we all have. Rice cereal which she...