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Thermomix Pumpkin Soup

Thermomix Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin soup is a classic comfort food, perfect for chilly evenings or a cozy meal at home. Over the years, I've ...
Granola in a Thermomix

Granola in a Thermomix

I am super fussy when it comes to Granola. I like it to be full of flavour but no "hard bits" in it. I was born ...
Chris’s 63rd Birthday

Chris’s 63rd Birthday

Happy Birthday Chris In August, we joyously marked Chris's 63rd birthday. We indulged in not just one, but two ...
Gina’s Birthday Cake

Gina’s Birthday Cake

Gina's 30th Birthday❤️When Gina, our beloved daughter-in-law, marked her 30th birthday this year, she was back ...