Thermomix Cooking Tips

We love yoghurt - but not all the additives
Making Yoghurt using our Thermomix in the Varoma.
Takes 5 minutes ...

Who forgets to take it out of the fridge?
Having butter at room temperature is a common requirement in many ...

Everyone say "Use the Spatula" - HOW?
Removing the hot simmer basket from the Thermomix can be a tricky task, ...

Creating your own almond meal with a Thermomix is a fantastic way to enjoy fresh, preservative-free almond meal in ...

Homemade Cappuccino or Latte
Creating frothy milk for lattes, cappuccinos, or hot chocolate in your Thermomix® is ...

Filling those small jars always causes spillage - not anymore
Using the Thermomix® lid when putting the sauces and ...