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Thermomix Cheat Sheets – Updated

Thermomix Cheat Sheets – Updated

My Favourite Cheat Sheets I've kept my Thermomix cheat sheets on my kitchen wall ever since I got my Thermomix. These are my go-to references for recipes and techniques I use frequently. While I know most of them by heart, there are moments during busy cooking...

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Clean Your Thermomix

Clean Your Thermomix

What? You can remove the grey backing plate? Were you aware that you can easily "dismantle" (remove the backing plate)  your Thermomix for cleaning purposes? Removing the backing plate makes life easier for cleaning. I recently shared what I thought was a...

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Quick Clean the Thermomix Bowl

Quick Clean the Thermomix Bowl

The Quickest way to clean the TM Bowl Cleaning your Thermomix bowl after cooking is a crucial step in maintaining its functionality and ensuring that each culinary adventure starts with a clean slate. While the quick wash setting is already fantastic for regular...

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Deep Clean the TM Bowl

Deep Clean the TM Bowl

We love our bowls looking super clean! Maintaining your Thermomix bowl in pristine condition is crucial, especially when you're preparing delicate recipes like Pavlova that require perfectly fluffy egg whites. Residue or lingering odours in the bowl can affect the...

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Sterilising Jars in a Thermomix

Sterilising Jars in a Thermomix

No More tablets or machines to sterilise your jars Sterilising jars can often be seen as a tedious and time-consuming process, involving various methods such as boiling, using sterilising tablets, expensive sterilising machines, or even using your oven. However, when...

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Thermomix Brush Cleaning

Thermomix Brush Cleaning

Let's make sure that brush is clean and sterilised These brushes are an essential tool that nearly all of us use in our Thermomix® to ensure our culinary creations come out perfectly. Yet, it's easy to overlook their cleanliness, even though they play a crucial role...

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Sterilising Thermomix Bowl

Sterilising Thermomix Bowl

Sterilising the Thermomix Bowl to be free of allergens When you're an everyday cook using ingredients like flour and dairy in your Thermomix, it's common for your bowls to look clean and shiny after a standard wash. However, the situation becomes more complex when...

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How to Sterilise Baby Bottles in a Thermomix®

How to Sterilise Baby Bottles in a Thermomix®

No More tablets or machines to sterilise your baby bottles and dummies Sterilising jars and baby bottles can indeed be a cumbersome and time-consuming task when you consider traditional methods like boiling, using sterilising tablets (which can often be less than...

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Erase Odours from Thermomix Bowl

Erase Odours from Thermomix Bowl

Erase Odours after cooking strong flavours in the TM Bowl Cooking in your Thermomix is a culinary adventure, and it's no secret that it can produce wonderfully aromatic and flavourful dishes. However, sometimes those lingering odours from your previous culinary...

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